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Our LocationLehra-Punjab

Thought For The Day :

Wel Come to Sai College of Education


Sai College of Education is an Co-Educational & Day-Boarding College based on the latest concepts in education for the all round development of stduents. Our aim is to turn out young teachers with developed & analytical mind and enhanced self-esteem by nurturing their creative potential. The College tries to shape the personality of students through the acquisition of knowledge & skills & thus prepare them to face the challenges of an increasingly complex & competitive world with confidence & poise. We make sincere efforts to explore the potentialities of a student individually & nurture the same to see him..

Principal Desk


The education today is becoming a blessing or a curse is an open ended question being raised these days. The whole concept of education today is far apart from what it was initially devised to be. Today, one of the main focuses in our lives is to get a good education and have a sound career to lead a happy and contented life. And, undoubtedly, today’s education system caters to our needs of education and career very well. But, where is the happiness and satisfaction?

100% Placement Top national and multinational companies recruite our students .

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